Are you looking to start a new business?
- Business Plans. To make sure you have a viable business strategy to start with and that the cash flow works.
- Business Structure. Advice on the right business structure for you, from Sole Trader to Limited Company.
- Company Formation. Either off the shelf of brand new companies including help with opening the bank company bank account.
- Registration. Completion of all the necessary forms to register with the tax authorities including Self-Assessment, VAT Registration and PAYE schemes if needed to help ensure you avoid all of the many possible penalties.
- Book-Keeping Set-Up. Help in setting up your book-keeping system, either a commercial package or our own free software. Â Alternatively we can do it all for you.
- Start Up Tax Planning Advice. Including advice on most efficient structure and profit extraction methods, this is essential before you start to ensure you pay the absolute minimum amount of tax necessary.
- Introductions – we can introduce you to local banks, solicitors and other professionals you may need assistance from.